Monday, October 7, 2013

VerseWise Bible v4.4.2 in the App Store

The iOS 5/6 bug fix update for iPhone that I mentioned previously is now in the App Store for VerseWise Bible King James Version, Douay-Rheims, Revised Standard Version and Revised Standard Version (Catholic Edition).
  • Fixed some crashes (particularly in iOS 7)
  • Fixed Facebook sharing to use native libraries and thus work how you'd expect (iOS 6+ only)
  • Other minor fixes & enhancements
Working on a similar update for Eastern Orthodox Bible and Orthodox Study Bible.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

iOS 7

Hello! iOS 7 will be coming out tomorrow so I thought I'd share an update.

I will be working on iOS 7 updates for the iPhone apps (KJV, DR, RSV, RSV-CE, EOB, OSB). The bad news is that these updates will not be able to support iOS 5 -- they will be iOS 6 & 7 only, if that. (There is a chance they'll be iOS 7 only if it becomes too difficult to support both. But most every device that supports iOS 6 also supports iOS 7, so I don't think that'll be a problem for most.)

Because there are still a couple fixes I want to send to the iOS 5 folks, I submitted what may be the final iOS 5/6 update to the App Store for KJV, DR, RSV and RSV-CE today. EOB and OSB will also be updated soon.

The current versions in the App Store work pretty well in iOS 7. I did notice a little more crashing in iOS 7; today's submission contains a fix for that.

I've been using iOS 7 for the past week. After some initial disorientation, I am coming around. I am looking forward to the apps I use updating to the new aesthetic and am looking forward to updating VerseWise as well. Particularly there are some advances in text display that I would like to use. (I guess that's an argument for going iOS 7-only.)

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Orthodox Study Bible 1.2 in App Store

In case you haven't noticed already, OSB 1.2 is now in the App Store!
  • Fixed crashes in start-up and Today's Reading 
  • Fixed Facebook sharing to use native libraries and thus work how you'd expect (iOS 6 only) 
  • Fixed Isaiah 49 (no longer appended to chapter 48)
  • Fixed Wisdom of Sirach, Epistle of Jereimiah, Joel 3 & 4 entries in Reading Plans 
  • Other minor fixes & enhancements
Unfortunately there still appear to be some start-up crashes. (Argh!) I haven't seen any crash reports coming in for Today's Reading, but let me know if you've seen one personally.

There is also a problem entering Today's Reading in landscape orientation. Will fix that!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sirach and Epistle of Jeremiah in OSB Reading Plans

Another fix coming soon are "Wisdom of Sirach" and "Epistle of Jeremiah" entries in the Orthodox Study Bible Reading Plan entries. Unfortunately they were labeled "Sirach" and "Letter of Jeremiah" and thus were not loading correctly. (Computers can be so literal sometimes!)

The affected plans:
  • Bible in 1 year (chronological)
  • Bible in 1 year (mixed)
  • Major Prophets
  • Wisdom
Thank you to Anna G. on Facebook for pointing this problem out!

OSB Isaiah 49

Apologies to those looking for Isaiah 49 in the Orthodox Study Bible! It's there, just appended to chapter 48. This was due to a parsing error that has since been fixed. An update will be available soon.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Those reading the book of Revelation...

Rather, those using VerseWise Bible KJV or RSV to read the book of Revelation when the v4.4 update for the iPhone came out. You may have noticed the app now crashes on start-up. Sorry!

Doing data migration is always a tricky prospect and I had to do some in v4.4 for the iPhone when I added to the deuterocanonical books in KJV and RSV, mostly dealing with bookmarks and highlights. Fortunately I think the intended migration logic works fine.

Unfortunately, those in the non-deuterocanonical Revelation had one value incorrection caught up in the migration -- their "last book" number. The one the app uses to go back to the last book you were reading. That got changed from "66" to "67". The app, knowing their is no book "67" in the non-deuterocanonical Bible, refuses to open it. And crashes.

Sending out a fix ASAP!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Spread the word!

I'm personally very excited by the upcoming Daily Readings in Orthodox Study Bible. I know, too often, I fall short trying to maintain a daily reading discipline. I need all the help I can get and I hope that this feature helps others as well.

To that end, I'd like to spread the word about this as much as possible. Will you help? Please follow Orthodox Study Bible on Facebook and/or on Twitter. I have some free download codes I'd like to share and will post details on that tomorrow.

Thank you!

OSB Daily Readings

Coming soon: Daily Readings for the Orthodox Study Bible!

It takes only one tap (and a periodic connection to the internet) to read the Epistle and Gospel readings of the day.

Swipe left to view previous days, swipe right to view upcoming days.

This update is in Apple review right now. I hope to have it available by the beginning of (Orthodox) Lent. If not exactly then, it should be available soon after. Stay tuned!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

VerseWise Bible 4.4 now in App Store

An update to VerseWise Bible for the iPhone is now available in the App Store!

  • Improved Facebook sharing, especially with longer scriptures
  • Psalms introductions
  • Fixed Psalms chapter number in Bible 1-year plan
  • Fixed Day 32 Genesis reading in Bible 1-year plan
  • Many textual fixes, especially in Psalms (thank you Zechariah C!)
  • Restored missing "verse 18s" in Exodus
King James Version
  • Improved Facebook sharing, especially with longer scriptures
  • Added 2 Esdras to deuterocanonical books
Revised Standard Version
  • Improved Facebook sharing, especially with longer scriptures
  • Psalms introductions
  • Added 2 Esdras and 4 Maccabees to deuterocanonical books
Revised Standard Version (Catholic Edition)
And hopefully more stability. Will continue to hunt down crashes.

Also, a note on Facebook. I'm not particularly happy with the current implementation. Facebook changes things periodically, sometimes breaking functionality. I'm investigating a better way of doing things here. This "better way" would also allow for Twitter sharing. Stay tuned.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

1 Samuel in OSB reading plans

Thank you to Katie T. for pointing out that 1 Samuel is broken in the Orthodox Study Bible reading plans. This is because the plans, adapted from other Bible versions, don't take into account that the OSB calls this book "1 Kingdoms". 2 Samuel (2 Kingdoms), 1 Kings (3 Kingdoms) and 4 Kings (4 Kingdoms) are also broken.

This affects the "Bible in 1 year (mixed)", "Bible in 1 year (chronological)" and "History" reading plans.

As it is, I have an OSB update almost ready to be sent for review. I will include this fix and it should be in your hands in a week or two.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Psalm introductions in VWB

Some improvements are arriving soon for Psalms in RSV, RSV-CE and Douay-Rheims. These three have short introductions to many of the Psalms, such as "A Psalm of David".

These have always been in the RSV/RSV-CE source text but not in VerseWise Bible. They are now visible.

They have always been in Douay-Rheims, as verse 1. (And sometimes the first part of verse 1, sometimes verses 1 & 2). They are now italicized.

Ah, but better than that: in Douay-Rheims the introductory phrases are no longer included in the Psalms chapter list.

Oh and I did I mention the typos that got fixed in Douay-Rheims' Psalms? Special thanks to Zechariah C. and everyone else for all the corrections they sent in.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Orthodox Study Bible v1.0.3 now available

The OSB v1.0.3 update is now in the App Store. This fixes the Settings button crash.

Will submit a v1.0.4 update to fix the latest Footnotes issues soon.

Monday, January 21, 2013

VerseWise Bible update

Just wanted to let you know that a VerseWise Bible update is in the works! Should have the iPhone version submitted to the App Store within a day or two. iPad will take longer, but it's coming!

The bigger items in the update will be a improvement to Facebook sharing and additional books for those reading the deuterocanonical text in KJV (2 Esdras) and RSV (2 Esdras and 4 Maccabees). Some (perhaps) less noticeable items are improved crash reporting, less crashing (hopefully!) and some polish.

If you've been following the Orthodox Study Bible updates, know that they're uncovering some issues you don't have to! Frequent updates aren't always an advantage. :)

Update 3/5

Yes, this update was delayed! (Story of my life.) I am readying an iPhone update in the next day or so. Unfortunately, I do not know exactly when the next iPad update is coming. Stay tuned!


VWB 4.4 submitted.

OSB footnotes

Thank you to Jeff T. for pointing out a problem with Footnotes when swiping left or right between chapters in Orthodox Study Bible. Unfortunately the footnotes are not refreshing themselves to the new chapter.

The 1.0.3 update that fixes the Settings crash is in review and I don't want to interrupt that. I'm seeing 10-20 crash reports a day on that, so I know it's affecting a lot of you! But I will put the Footnotes fix in the queue as soon as I can.


As you may have guessed, this Footnotes bug has to do with a change I made in 1.0.2 to "remember" where you had scrolled to in Footnotes if you returned a second time. Unfortunately it's "remembering" too much and not clearing its memory when swiping to a new chapter.

In any case, just noticed that I had not added this "memory" feature to Reading Plans' footnotes. Will attempt to do so in the next 1.0.4 update, excluding the swiping problem.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

OSB v1.0.2 now available

Orthodox Study Bible v1.0.2 is now available in the App Store! It fixes a number of issues.

Unfortunately it introduced one new bug! Tapping the Settings buttons causes a crash. I will get a fix for that out to you as soon as possible.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Next OSB update

There are a couple issues with Reading Plans in OSB that I am working on.
  • "Bible in 1 year (mixed)" plan 
    • Sometimes truncated chapters at verse 9
    • Information about plan goes to invalid link
  • "Proverbs" plan not displaying anything
Another issue is the background of the "Additional" if you rotate to landscape.

I would also like to update Footnotes to remember your scroll position when returning to them.

Hope to have an update available soon! Thank you to all who have reported these issues and others that are in the queue.

Update 10-Jan

Of course it isn't just the "Proverbs" plan that is affected by the Proverbs bug -- the "Lectionary", "Bible in 1 year (chronological)", "Bible in 1 year (mixed)" and "Wisdom" plans also have Proverbs entries. Fixing them all!

Update 12-Jan

Submitted to App Store! Hopefully available within a week.

Update 17-Jan

Now available.